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Dinsdagaand om 18:30 met herhaling Donderdagmiddag om 14:00

Jaco du Toit is a dosent by die Akademie vir Rekenaarwetenskap en sagteware ingeneurswese (Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering) by the Universiteit van Johannesburg.  Jaco is ook die adjunk-direkteur van die Sentrum van Kubersekerheid (Centre for Cyber Security) by die Universiteit van Johannesburg.
Jaco du Toit het sy Doktors graad in rekenaarwetenskap en sy fokus is spesifiek op kuber sekerheid.
Vind meer inligting oor Dr Jaco du Toit by

Jaco du Toit is a lecturer at the Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Johannesburg.  Jaco is also the deputy director for the Centre for Cyber Security at the University of Johannesburg.

Jaco du Toit has a PhD in Computer Science with specialisation in Cyber Security.
For more information about Dr Jaco du Toit, visit


Jaco du Toit

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let's talk health

Maandagaand om 18:30 - 19:00

Dr Randall Ortel, a beacon of perseverance and determination, who has charted an inspiring path from the tough neighbourhood of Manenberg to managing the esteemed Karl Bremer Hospital. This trailblazer is not only the first medical doctor and specialist hailing from his community, but his journey serves as an emblem of triumph against the odds. Dr Ortel, who recently added a Master's Degree in Family Medicine from the prestigious University of Cape Town to his already impressive credential list, continues to scale the heights of his profession. His academic journey began at the University of Stellenbosch, where he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Medicine & Surgery (MBChB) with an unwavering determination. He also gained coveted postgraduate qualifications in Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Obstetrics from the highly-respected Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA). His achievements doe not end there. He has been admitted as a fellow of the Colleges of Family Medicine at the CMSA. This steadfast physician funded his dream through an unusual combination of grit and determination, juggling part-time work as a minibus taxi driver during his studies. His story is a testament that resilience, abiding passion and disciplined consistency can turn even the loftiest dreams into reality. He embodies the possibility that arises when vision and sheer determination blend - all barriers are surmountable, all objectives achievable. His astounding journey inspires all who dare to dream and engage in the pursuit of their ambitions relentlessly. 

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Dr. Randall Ortel

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Biblical principles in business

Maandagaand om 19:30

Kim Palmer is the founder of On The Ball College and WeTrainICT, the Learn2Boom online training portal and the On The Ball Podcast. On The Ball College is accredited through MICT Seta and training partners with Microsoft, Oracle Academy, AWS, CompTIA, CertiPort and Pearson VUE Prometric. This college gives teenagers and young adults, from underprivileged backgrounds, the opportunity to study critically needed IT skills that lead to employment through her work placement programme.

Kim is also the chairwoman of On The Ball Foundation and founder of the well-known and fast-growing Women in ICT annual conference. ICT is a sector where women are grossly underrepresented — only 23% of tech jobs are held by women in South Africa. Palmer says that this results in many misperceptions

that young women hold about ICT, which she is making an effort to
change. She says the solution to promote inclusivity in the local tech sector lies in encouraging and supporting women to pursue careers in it. She believes that young women in the sector should explore and empower themselves. Technology is growing, and it’s growing at a fast pace, and you shouldn’t be putting any restrictions on yourselves. My advice to young women is to go and grab any sort of technology they find fascinating and take it further, because there is so much out there.

Kim works tirelessly to inspire her students to believe in themselves by giving them the tools to create a life they never thought possible. “You can only dream about what you have been exposed to. We need to educate and inspire our youth so that they understand that IT and technology are career options. “I want our youth to dream big and in turn, those creative ideas will become a reality in our did for me.”

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Kim Palmer

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Dinsdagoggend om 10:30

Letitia was born in the East Rand of Johannesburg and went to school in Roodepoort on the West Rand. She qualified as a teacher at the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. She worked as a teacher in Krugerdorp and Randfontein and married Martin van der Merwe in December 1983. They are still married and currently live in Bellville in Cape Town.


At the end of 1997 Letitia and Martin settled  in Cape Town where Letitia became actively involved in prophetic prayer ministry as well as counselling. She established Ruach Media as a publishing house and outreach ministry. She is a seasoned Word teacher and minister of the Gospel and has taught the Word at seminars and churches country-wide with her husband, Martin for almost twenty years. During this time, they also had a regular slot on two television stations and various radio stations. Letitia is regularly teaches the Word at Disa Radio Station in Cape Town. 


Apart from being trained as a professional teacher, Letitia is a Charis Bible School graduate and is currently involved full-time at the Cape Town Charis Bible College. Letitia loves the Lord, love His Word and shares this love on a one-on-one basis or with audiences on radio, television and at seminars and conferences


Ruach Media was established in 2005 by Martin and Letitia van der Merwe.  They are based in Cape Town, South Africa but travel all over ministering and equipping the body of Christ in order to recognize His voice through dreams and visions.  God is relational and His communication through dreams and visions will always be in context of relationship with Him.  Therefore Martin and Letitia also focus on helping believers to cultivate an intimate relationship with God, and to know and live out their identity in Him. 


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Letitia van der Merwe


Groen klip in die bos

Dinsdagoggend om 11:15

Die Green Times publiseer groen nuus sedert 2008 onder die leiding van eko konsultant en redaktrise Elma Pollard, wat sedert 1990 omgewingsjoernalis is. Hulle missie is om die publiek op te voed oor omgewingsake en klimaatsverandering om ons lesers te inspirer om meer bewus en volhoubaar te leef en werk – en die leiding te neem om ons land beter te bedryf en ons kinders se toekoms te bewaar.  Sy praat groensake weekliks op radiostasies die afgelope 13 jaar.


Elma Pollard het in 1990 haar eerste groen kolom “Nurturing Nature” in die Eikestadnuus koerant begin, so ook groen aktivisme begin deur die eerste herwinningsdepot by die Nagskuiling in Stellenbosch te begin. Daarna het baie inisiatiewe gevolg soos die opleiding van die gemeenskap in die skep van groentetuine en opleiding van onderwysers in Kaapse skole in Geϊntegreerde Afvalbestuur – vermindering, herwinning, erdwurmboerdery, kompostering, groente verbrouing. Later jare het sy ‘n groen kolom in die Bolander koerant geskryf. Sy is ook gekwalifiseer as eko konsultant om besighede se voetspore te help verlig. Elma is ‘n Integrative Life Coach en Direkteur van SA Society of Integrative Medicine, wat sy bestuur. Sy bestuur ook ‘n groep vrywilligers wat tydens die pandemie mediese personeel ondersteun in die Helderberg-area, genaamd Circle of Love.



Elma Pollard

Tel. 0218550518

Whatsapp. 0848682908



Daagliks om 07:10

Pa-en-dogter span Frans en Christelle de Klerk is tegniese analiste wat grafieke ontleed op die beurs. Hulle passie vir finansiële markte en die prys aksie op grafieke is aansteeklik. Frans is meer as 30 jaar al betrokke op die mark en Christelle is ‘n geregistreerde makelaar op die JSE. Sy het by haar pa aangesluit in 2013. *


Frans en Christelle de Klerk 

Independent Technical Analysts

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oordenking met milanie

Daagliks om 10:15

Milanie Vosloo ken en verstaan die hart van mense en het die vermoë om die gedagtes en wyshede op ’n verrassende wyse te verwoord. Haar eerlike en opregte skryfstyl en ongekunstelde maar opregte verhouding met God inspireer die lesers van haar boeke om ook ‘n persoonlike verhouding met Hom te hê. Milanie het reeds 23 boeke geskryf wat elkeen ’n topverkoper is. Sy het al verskeie toekennings vir haar boeke ontvang. ’n Paar van haar boeke is in Engels vertaal en word in die VSA versprei. 

Sy skryf die afgelope 20 jaar die rubriek, Siel van ’n Vrou, in die tydskrif, Leef en die afgelope 8 jaar die rubriek, Wees stil en weet, in die tydskrif, LIG.

Milanie is die afgelope 38 jaar die Besturende Direkteur van haar eie reklameagentskap, Uppe Marketing, wat sy op 23-jarige ouderdom begin het. Sy het onlangs die leisels van HUB oorgegee en tree nou as Voorsitter op. Hierdie suksesvolle maatskappy het al verskeie nasionale en internasionale toekennings onder haar leiding ontvang het. Uppe Marketing hanteer ’n wye verskeidenheid kliënte en is die projekbestuurder van

Milanie is ’n Strengthsfinder-afrigter en van individue en spanne wat sy ook kombineer mentorskappe en leierskapsontwikkeling van jong mense.

Sy en haar man, Johan, woon in die Elgin-vallei en sy pendel soos nodig na Johannesburg vir haar besigheid. 

Ma- en Ouma-wees vir haar kinders en kleinkinders is van die vreugdes van haar lewe. Milanie is mal oor fietsry, die buitelug en eenvoudige dinge soos om te kamp en sommer net langs ’n kampvuur “mens” te wees.

Oor haar gawe om te skryf sê sy: Dis nét genade, want Hy géé dit! Ek staan keer op keer stom voor die grote God wat my, brose kleipot, se mens-woorde gebruik om ander te inspireer en moed te gee.

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Milanie Vosloo

© 2022 RADIO DISA created by Philippa van Coller |  Tel: +27 (0)72 615 9417

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